Romans 2

Romans 2 ( Once you have answered the questions, please add more questions in the comment thread and encourage fruitful discussions from which we can learn from one another)
Now the questions
1) What kind of judging is hated by God? Why?
2) What is the intention behind God's kindness?
3) What is the reason for Paul using "God does not show favouritism" in this chapter?
4) What will be judged on judgment day?
5) How is God's name blasphemed among gentiles? How is this passage relevant to present day?
6) What is the kind of circumcision that God expects?

  • Samjayander Thiagarajan 1. "Passing Judgement when you do the same things" is hated by God - 'coz V23 You dishonor God by breaking the law.
    2. God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance
    3. As paul was addressing this to Jews (v17) he wanted to reiterate that Jew is 
    no special from a Gentile in God's Judgement.
    4. v16 People's secrets. i.e., as per v15 consciences and thoughts
    5. v23 - Boasting the Law and Breaking the law. A present day example - We mock the reverence other people give to their idols. But the degree of Reverence given to our God much less (in my opinion).
    6. v29 - circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit.
    20 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • Prason Christopher Robin Precise and to the point answers brotherSamjayander Thiagarajan

    One more question. In the first chapter of Romans verse 20 we read " For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly 
    seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse". 

    This verse clearly explains that every human being can see the work of GOD and understand his nature by just looking at the creation.

    Now coming back to the second chapter, Is there any passage or verse that also talks about "General Revelation or Universal Revelation" of God to human beings?

    I am raising this question, because the answer to this question will be a fitting answer to the question on "What will happen to a man in the jungle who has never heard the gospel? How will he be judged?"
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Samjayander Thiagarajan Yes. v 14&15 speaks of gentiles and says they will be judged based on theirconscience and thoughts. i.e., by the law written in their hearts.
    20 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • Samjayander Thiagarajan also, i have a question, who is the audience of Romans? Jews or gentiles? or both?
    20 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • Prason Christopher Robin Beautiful brother. Many atheists and people of other faith raise that question to Christian preachers. Larry King threw that question to Billy Graham and now to Joel Osteen. They could have answered the question based on Romans 1 and 2.

    To answer the 
    question about the audience of this letter.

    The audience is definitely Saints ( Believers) . In Rome the believers were mainly Jewish converts. Paul was himself a Roman by birth; but still had not met them yet. This letter is addressed to both jews and gentiles; but a heavy stress is given with jews as audience base. If we read the first two chapters of Romans we will sense this. This feeling will be there till the 8th chapter.
    16 hrs · Like · 1